A rainbow-colored, geometric drawing of a dragon's silhouette and a wireframe d20 on a white background.
Artwork by Tal S.

The Prismatic Dragons

A new family of dragons for 5th edition.

Inspired by the prismatic wall spell, the prismatic dragons come in seven main colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet (ROYGBIV). Though the prismatic dragons are solid creatures with muscle and bone, they are created from light—a fact reflected in their unique abilities. Discover the magic and majesty of the prismatic dragons!

Dragons in Every Color of the Rainbow

The seven main colors of prismatic dragons are directly inspired by the seven layers of the prismatic wall spell. Each layer has a unique effect and weakness which correspond to the breath weapons and vulnerabilities of the prismatic dragons.

To learn more about the many colors of prismatic dragon, check out the latest versions of their stat blocks in the Prismatic Dragon Builder.

Publication Forthcoming

Petal Quest is currently working on a prismatic dragons product for publishing. We'll update this page when we have more to share.